The Weekly Leofinance AMA (WenSoon Show) Recap - 1/12/23

Not your regularly scheduled WenSoon Show but we are getting it in!


Bitcoin Bounce

Well it seems we are getting a bounce in the markets including crypto! We started the call talking about Bitcoin as it is pushing up toward the 19K resistance area.

We pondered what this means if anything. Generally none of us thinks this marks the beginning of a new bull market but it is nice to see some green.

Obviously price would need to establish above 20k and more so 22k for an actual sentiment change in price action.

On the flipside, this current action bodes well for 16k being the bear market bottom. No guarantees on that though.

Leofinance New UI progress

@khaleelkazi gave us a teaser preview of the new UI and the feature that lets you add images, etc to threads.


Earning on Leofinance

Earning from content on more than just author rewards has always been a thought for the leo team and creating a seekingAlpha or Substack experience is in the cards.

What this mean is content creators can have their blog for instance and also the option to create a premium service that people can subscribed to and the UI will keep premium content available only to subscribers.

Defi Updates - Multi Token Bridge

Bridge updates. Now when people submit bridge transactions the bridge will re-try when there are failures which has drastically increased the reliability of the bridge.

This happens over a 30 minute span where the bridge will re-try every minute or so until success. If after 30 min it still hasn't worked that is where a manual refund would be needed.

And we keep rolling....

Next week we will be back to our normal time, Tuesday noonish.

In the meantime may all your coins move higher and your bags get bigger!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
