The Weekly Leofinance AMA (WenSoon Show) Recap

After a week off we are back at it with all your leo ecosystem updates. Per the usual plenty of news and growth so let's get into it!


CUB: Burn Baby Burn

Over 400K burned the past month, this over 50% of the inflation. That is pretty freaking cool and the DAO revenue is only expected to increase due to a improved arb bot coming in the near future and the likelihood for more liquidity in the involved pools.

Here is the link to the November burn report:

Crypto Twitter Incoming!

Everyone is wondering when the new leofinance UI will launch where threads will become in the feature and the word is the week between Christmas and New Years will be the open alpha launch so we can have fun with all the bugs and get them ironed out with feedback from us, the leo lions!

What content can be on threads?

This has been a question asked often and the answer is everything, with a slant on crypto and finance.

Crypto content will always be the most encouraged content, but with an abundance mindset there will be a place for all content. A community that wants to post about movies can have a place and community page.

The more the merrier right? Settings will be your friend in the future where you can set it to only see threads or only see posts. Or muting tags may also be an option so you can cut out content you don't want to see.

Alot of potential here for a user friendly environment. This doesn't change that leofinance aims to be the crypto twitter.

Let's get the user base up! We are at 600 daily active users, lets get that to 6000!

If you haven't figured it out....Project Blank is now LeoFinance.

Khal also talked about potential options of revenue generators for content creators on leofinance and referenced substack as an example and having a premium posts option for authors as one idea.

State of Crypto

Even with all the awesomeness happing in the leofinance ecosystem, growth will come easier with a buzzing crypto market.

Bitcoin got a little pump today as SBF got arrested in the Bahamas and changed with fraud by the U.S. but this certainly doesn't mean the bear market is over.

However, it is good to see BTC held the 16,500 area since the sell off.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
