Studying Technical Analysis Deeply To Better Understand Tokenomics

Wanting to create the best tokenomics I can has led me to studying and reading a lot of books over the past few years in particular.

Book of Knowledge by AIrt

Knowledge is love and light and vision by ARTificial Intelligence

Finding the mind on a journey to study twenty years in two with and through tinnitus may finally be leading to some air though the tunnel and maybe a light at the other end somewhere over the rainbow.

Love of Math, numbers, Science, Geometry, Sacred Geometry, and more. Leading me to find a particular book that would lead to over one hundred others. To solve a puzzle of knowledge that is written to take twenty years for most. Solved in my own way to my own degree currently. Now to find a home for it and myself on a new, or just another path, or just the continuous one.

Having also taking a break from here and other for various reasons and certain situations that simply were not getting settled well at the time.

Then the world shut down... That was just a little different and shows lots of things which may or may not be in or out of one's awareness and understanding. Also provided a different space for us all to fill with whatever we may.

There came this rabbit hole. Sucking my mind in and to others as well! Thinking to write more so this may serve as a plate of bits that may collect and share some bits as well!

Off to play mental chutes and ladders and see where the crypto coins are rolling to!


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
