How and why is there a charge for an unregistered crypto asset?


Let’s look at what some words used to, and really mean and think how we may best use blockchain and crypto technology for better solutions that fulfill the users, and technology from loss and harm.


security (n.)
early 15c., securite, "state or condition of being safe from danger or harm;" mid-15c., "freedom from care or anxiety" (a sense now archaic), from Old French securite and directly from Latin securitas "freedom from care," from securus "free from care"

A charge is a burden, from Old French charge "load, burden; imposition," from Latin carrus "two-wheeled wagon"

registre, "public record book, private account book, an official written account regularly kept,"

Blockchain is for registration. It can be public. It does not have to be in the hands of only one central entity.

“Asset” from Vulgar Latin *ad satis "to sufficiency," from Latin ad "to" (see ad-) + satis "enough" (from PIE root *sa- "to satisfy")

before vowels crypt-, word-forming element meaning "secret" or "hidden, not evident or obvious"

intermediary (adj.)
1757, "situated between two things;" 1818 as "serving as a mediator;" from French intermédiaire (17c.), from Latin intermedius "that which is between" (see intermediate). As a noun, "one who acts between others"

Much of the mission and purpose of blockchain is to minimize trust, and other parties. This thread serves as a thought provoker of how we may create better solutions.

Lastly, the laws you refer to hold this country in bankruptcy and would like to challenge us all beyond such an idea because by natural law this country is not bankrupt with its vast resources, and working labor society which is what bitcoin is based and grew out of.

If only we all really understood and acted upon more of the truth of this.


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