What will catapult Bitcoin in the future?


After an extremely troubled year 2022 for cryptocurrencies, many famous personalities seem to be of the opinion that 2023 will not be much different from what we saw last year.

And it is not a question of giving credence or not to anyone's opinions, but the fact that Bitcoin is buried in the $16,000 range seems to give some credibility to the bears in this regard.

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However, beyond everything we can argue for or against the future of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, we cannot deny one thing: 2023 is still very young, and we do not know exactly what surprises it will hold for us at a fundamental level. The thing is, we know that, logically, something should catapult the price of Bitcoin to the heights at any moment, because otherwise, Bitcoin and the future of the capital belonging to the whales that support it, will be seriously compromised.

If I have to bet, I bet on Bitcoin

The truth is that if I have to bet on something, it would be in favor of Bitcoin and not against Bitcoin, because I think that's how it should be; I understand and believe in the great potential of Bitcoin and I understand that it is a technology that is still very incipient ( even though it already has 14 years of existence).

And I also know full well that we shouldn't view investing as gambling, but think about it for a second; investments, in the most essential sense of things, are bets anyway; because although we have a lot of knowledge, a lot of theory, a lot of information about it, there will always be risks of mistakes and losses.

Because I, personally, don't know exactly what is going to happen with an investment until it happens, no matter how much I have technical and fundamental information about it, so investments are a bet, there is no doubt about that. Although it is very true that this is not like going to a casino to play roulette, because not everything is random, but they are bets in the sense that we never know for sure what will happen.

Intuition: The secret weapon of great investors

And as for investments, we must learn to develop our sense of intuition; because although it is true that technical and fundamental information is super important in this sense, it must be understood that intuition is a resource that makes us glimpse or understand things that are not visible or understandable at a basic and elemental level.

I mean, intuitively, we can anticipate events in a way that no technical or fundamental information could allow us to do. Of course, the investor's intuition can and should use technical and fundamental information in the markets, but not exclusively, but rather in a way that allows them to make sound decisions in the markets in an intelligent, intuitive and rational way.

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I once read a study that mentioned that the most intuitive investors were more efficient than those who only relied on fundamental and technical information. Because the investor who relies exclusively on technical and fundamental information has a square mentality, which prevents him from thinking clearly in situations that transcend the basic nature of investments. In other words, this type of investors lacks the instinct that would allow them to understand what is happening in the markets.

On the other hand, an investor with fine-tuned intuition can and should have technical and fundamental information as a support resource, and based on the facts and circumstances, they will make more accurate and fluid decisions in the markets.

What will catapult Bitcoin to great heights again?

What will bring the price of Bitcoin back to $30,000, $40,000, $50,000 or more? Well, I don't know, but I sense that something will happen this year 2023 that will catapult the price of Bitcoin to the heights again.

It is quite obvious if you think about it, because the crypto whales (which are not stupid at all), are not going to risk losing all the Bitcoin that they were accumulating little by little throughout 2022; since that would be stupid and pointless.

On the contrary, we know that at any moment they must make some move, some bold play that will send the price of Bitcoin skyrocketing without a doubt. We all will see it, I'm pretty sure about it, I mean, we all will see some important bank, country or institution will buy a large amount of Bitcoin at some point in 2023 and with this, the bull run will begin. Or at least, that's how I see it.

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