Secure Your Family's Future for About $100


“A false balance is an abomination to the Lord, But a just weight is His delight.”
- Proverbs 11:1

Hi there!

Curiosity brought you here, right? Before dismissing this article as "click bait," why not invest a few minutes to hear me out?

I'm not selling anything; but I consider this one of the most important articles I've ever written:

Vital Bulletin On Kingdom Economics

by Duncan Cary Palmer

What do economics and the Kingdom of God have to do with you?

Whether you already recognize Jesus as King, or have yet to make that leap, the foundational principles of the Kingdom of God are as real—and will have as dramatic an impact on your life—as gravity.

How so?

Gravity affects all matter, and money affects all human behavior. Violating the law of gravity might kill you quickly; ignorance of biblical economics will undo you just as certainly—though perhaps more gradually.


What is money? (source)

1) Urgent: Learn what "money" really is.

A widely accepted definition of money is anything that serves as a medium of exchange, a unit of account, and a store of value. The properties of any particular kind of money can make it good money or poor money.

The sooner you understand what money is, how it works, and how the specific properties of any particular money make it superior or inferior, the better off you will be.

2) Divest yourself of poor money ASAP.

More than likely what you've thought of as "money" all your life is a very poor variety known as fiat currency, i.e. money issued by the decree of a nation-state.

Your US dollars (and other 'fiat currencies') make very poor money because they are arbitrarily diluted at the whim of the powers that issue them. This is why you're forced to invest in stocks, bonds, real estate, gold, silver, and etc. merely to keep pace with corrupt monetary inflation.

The sorry truth is that most of what you invest in is not increasing in value. Rather, the value of your dollars is in rapid decline. Even invested wisely, assets merely hold their value relative to that inflationary decline in purchasing power.

Hyperinflation has wrecked many countries and is coming soon to a country near you. The sooner you trade in your fiat currency for non-depreciating assets, the better off you will be.

3) Adopt and save good money before it's too late.

Scripture teaches us to deal honestly in our economic transactions.

Have you heard of bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a form of money I consider providential because it matches the scriptural ideal of "honest weights and measures" more closely than any other money invented so far. Those who best understand bitcoin value it above all other assets.


Honest Weights and Measures (source)

Bitcoin is not a fiat currency because it cannot be inflated on the whim of a nation-state. It has been operating successfully, unsupervised, for more than fourteen years, and has become the strongest, most secure computer network in existence.

One author considers bitcoin money rediscovered. I think he's right.

Finally, here's the logic behind this article's title:

Another bitcoin expert makes a strong case that, were you to invest a mere $100 US dollars in bitcoin (NOTE: That prediction was made in January, 2023, when $100 could still buy about .005 bitcoin; by the time you read this, bitcoin may cost more), and HODL it (Hold On for Dear Life) long enough, you could position your family in the top 20% to 30% of all wealth holders in the world:

"Therefore, if #Bitcoin merely SURVIVES... as little as 800,000 sats could purchase a lifestyle in the future far more luxurious than an upper-middle class lifestyle today." - Luke Broyles

You can listen to exciting and informative interviews featuring Luke Broyles here and here.

So trust me - maybe just a little?

I believe bitcoin is of inestimable value and I want to see the people I care about prosper. That's why I urge you, as plainly as I know how:

For a pittance, you can join the prudent—along with some nation-states—as a holder of the world's most valuable, non-depreciating asset.

Will bitcoin ultimately succeed? How long will it take? These are unknowns, but I believe the biggest risk would be to miss out when you can participate now at such a small cost.

This is not financial advice; what you do with this information is entirely up to you; but you won't be able to blame me if you ignore it.

I truly wish you good fortune and prosperity!


NOTE: Throughout my posts, you may notice hyperlinks like this one that lead to supplemental material. Most images are also hyperlinked. While not essential to the enjoyment of my writing, you may find the linked background information enlightening (or at least mildly interesting).
ALL IMAGES are either my own, derived from open source material, or used with permission.

For much more from @creatr, click the library image:

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Hey there, @awgbibb,

Thank you kindly for the re-blog! Good to "hear" from you again.🙏😀👍
Hoping all is well with you!


